Browns Botanicals CBD Review

Browns Botanicals CBD Review

You may have noticed that there’s a new health remedy in town – and no, it’s not one that’s going to fade after half a year.

While a lot of health remedies come and go, CBD oil seems to have the kind of stamina to not only stick around for more than fifteen minutes but to also change the alternative medicine industry permanently.

It’s certainly proving to be an effective alternative to many prescription medications out there, that often come with negative side effects.

It’s only natural, then, that there are now hundreds of companies attempting to produce a high-quality CBD product. However, you’re not going to be able to trust them all.

Let’s review on a determine whether they’re trustworthy or not.

Browns Botanicals CBD Review

Purity 0.0
Strength 3.0
Service 8.0
Price 5.0
Consumer Reviews 6.0

A Review of Browns Botanicals CBD

Browns Botanicals is the kind of CBD oil company that deeply cares about the purity of their products. This translates in many ways, and one of these is creating a high-quality CBD product that their customers can enjoy for a relatively affordable price.

Their CBD oils range from $45-$545, so if you can’t afford products in the higher end of this bracket, there are definitely options available at the low end of the scale.

Browns Botanicals, as the name suggests, is passionate about blending botanicals with CBD, with a special emphasis on helping people improve their mind, body, and spirit through enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients, and vitamins.

We love that Browns Botanicals seem to have a special connection with the environment and take pride in producing all of their products with the environment in mind.

We love that Browns Botanicals CBD uses a CO2 method of extraction, which is the most efficient way to extract CBD from the cannabis plant. We love that this CBD company is innovative and is always trying to come up with new ways to deliver you high-quality CBD oil.

While there is some great drive to be an environmentally friendly business, Browns Botanicals CBD does have a few setbacks that make us hesitant to condone them completely.

The most significant factor is that they do not publish any of their lab test results. While they claim to lab test their products to a certain extent, there’s no way that we can verify this without them publishing their reports.

This is a basic necessity in this industry – if you come across a company that doesn’t prove their lab testing, then you have no way of knowing whether their products are safe to consume or not. It’s also difficult for us to know the CBD concentration levels in Browns Botanicals products.

Browns Botanicals CBD Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs
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Scam or Legit; Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, it’s always a pleasure coming across a CBD company that places a strong emphasis on the environment and keeping their processes as green as possible. We love companies like this and could always do with more of them – but unfortunately, Browns Botanicals doesn’t tick off all the boxes.

For us to recommend them as a company, we need to be able to confirm that they lab test each batch of product. They need to test for both contaminants and concentration of CBD, otherwise there’s no way of assuring their customers that their products are safe to consume.

For this reason, we cannot condone them as a company.

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