CBD Oil in New Mexico (Updated 2025)

CBD Oil in New Mexico (Updated 2021)

Legislation around cannabis is becoming more and more talked about through America as many states start to move towards loosening up their stance on it.

Currently, there are thirty states that have a new kind of law in place when it comes to using CBD oil. Additionally, CBD oil made from hemp is now legal in all fifty states, as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.

When we think back to what the approach used to be to cannabis, this is amazing progress.

New Mexico is definitely on the friendlier side of things when it comes to CBD and cannabis. As well as having a booming medical marijuana program, they also passed a bill in 2017 that means anyone can grow hemp for either research or commercial purposes.

Overall this makes it easier for New Mexico residents to benefit from the health properties that a natural remedy like CBD contains.

This article is going to be all about CBD oil – what it is, how you can get your hands on it in New Mexico and why it’s making such huge waves in the health industry.

What is CBD Oil?


It’s 2021, and there are a seemingly endless array of CBD products out there, both in stores and online – but especially online. Even if you visit your local dispensary, you’re going to find hundreds of products that come from many different strains. There’s also no end to how you can take CBD these days, with anything from orally to a vaporizer, bong, edible or even topical.

What’s more, there is a ton of companies out there who are competing with each other to bring you the most up to date information on CBD. In fact, there’s so much now that it can be a little overwhelming.

You can start to see that it’s getting to a point where it’s impossible not to talk about the wonder that is CBD. So, in light of this, what is CBD, and why is it in such high demand across the states?

CBD is now the most researched cannabinoid you can find in the cannabis plant. Because you’ve heard so much about it, you may find it hard to believe that there are actually over a hundred cannabinoids in the cannabis plant – including THC, the psychoactive compound.

Out of all of these cannabinoids, CBD seems to be linking up with the most health conditions, making it an appealing option in the face of big pharmacy companies. One of the biggest things that we like about CBD is that it comes with a variety of health benefits with seemingly little to no side effects.

Now, you may want to know that THC also has health benefits. However, in order to get these benefits, you’ve got to take the psychoactive properties that come with it, which can be unappealing to some. Because CBD works in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system, you don’t have to worry about it altering the chemicals in your brain.

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Our endocannabinoid system is what governs things like body temperature, appetite, and mood. It is essential for normal everyday functions and plays a big role in keeping us healthy. When our endocannabinoid system isn’t producing enough cannabinoids, we can experience a number of different health complications.

CBD works by naturally encouraging our endocannabinoid system to make a healthy amount of cannabinoids, which keeps our body in check. This is why CBD is considered beneficial for such a long list of health conditions.

So, what are these health conditions that we keep talking about? Let’s list a few of them:

This is just a small list of the number of health conditions out there that CBD could potentially treat, and as more and more research is done, we’re beginning to understand just how beneficial CBD could be.

Buying CBD in New Mexico

Buying CBD

If you live in New Mexico, then it’s going to be pretty easy to wrap your head around how to buy CBD oil. However, while it may not be the strictest state when it comes to cannabis, there are still consequences for people who choose to take it illegally.

You can either purchase CBD from a dispensary that’s licensed to sell medical marijuana, or you can buy it from another retailer that sells ‘affordable’ CBD oil, or you can even buy it online from a CBD oil company and have it shipped out to your house.

Naturally, if you want to buy your CBD oil from a licensed dispensary, you’re going to need a medical marijuana card.

There are quite a number of health conditions that qualify for a medical marijuana card in New Mexico, including:

It’s important to know that the CBD oil you’re going to get from the medical marijuana dispensary is going to be quite different from the CBD oil you get from retail stores that aren’t licensed, or even online.

There are two ways to make CBD oil – from cannabis or from hemp. If you’re looking at a company online that says they can ship their products legally to all fifty U.S. states, then their CBD is going to be made out of industrial hemp. Medical dispensaries, on the other hand, are legally allowed to sell CBD oil with THC – but remember, you need a medical marijuana card for this.

If you aren’t someone who can qualify for a medical marijuana card, then you’ll need to buy your product at another retail store or online. Don’t despair, though – it’s still possible to find a top quality CBD product from these sources.

It’s just important to remember a couple of things: hemp seeds don’t contain CBD so don’t get CBD hemp oil confused with CBD hemp seed oil and make sure to do your research.

You want to make sure that the company you’re buying from sources their plant material from an organic, non-GMO farm and puts it through the right extraction process.

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CBD: Current Legislation in New Mexico

There has been a bit of a disparity between the lawmakers and the dispensaries lately. This is because the lawmakers said that they couldn’t sell any CBD products that hadn’t been cultivated or manufactured within New Mexico. The reason why this is so frustrating is that non-licensed retailers were not given this kind of regulation.

However, if you looked a little bit closer at the legislation terms, you would see that back in 2007 it was stated that licensed dispensaries had to make sure their products were manufactured within the state. Of course, this is just one way that the lawmakers can try to optimize state tax revenue.

The result, unfortunately, is that many non-licensed retailers are now getting more customers than licensed dispensaries. While this is a strange and frustrating situation for some, it doesn’t take away from the fact that New Mexico has a very good medical marijuana program.

Companies that Deliver CBD Oil to New Mexico

Luckily, there are a bunch of reputable companies that can deliver CBD oil to you in New Mexico.

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs

Final Thoughts

New Mexico is arguably one of the most relaxed states when it comes to the use and possession of medical marijuana and CBD. Of course, the law is clear, and there are boundaries to stick to, but at the end of the day, you can easily buy CBD oil in New Mexico.

It’s also evident that New Mexico’s progressive medical marijuana program is indicative of what all states could have in their future.

For now, though, it’s great to be a resident of New Mexico and to know that you’ve got a few options available to you if you’re looking to get your hands on some high-quality CBD oil.

References and Further Reading

1. Cannabis and Cannabinoids for Chronic Pain.
2. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
3. Cannabinoids in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Hard Evidence at Last?
4. Antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol: a chemical compound of Cannabis sativa.
5. Cannabis, Cannabinoids, and Sleep: a Review of the Literature.

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