CBD Oil in North Carolina

CBD Oil in North Carolina

CBD is making waves in the health industry and causing laws to change everywhere you look. While they’re not the same across the board right now, it won’t be long until they are, and cannabis is legal everywhere you go.

However, in saying this right now, there are some American states out there that are much more generous about their cannabis legislation than others.

When it comes to North Carolina, unfortunately, they tend to be on the more stricter side of the fence than other states. In fact, they could possibly have some of the most stringent laws around CBD and cannabis in the entire country.

However, in 2014 a bill was passed that allowed some children who suffer from extreme cases of epilepsy to have access to CBD as a natural treatment.

In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about CBD in North Carolina; how to get it, how to see if you qualify for it, and how to get it if you don’t qualify for it.

What is CBD?


Before we dive into the legislation surrounding CBD and cannabis in North Carolina, let’s take a look at precisely what CBD is, so we are on the same page.

More and more doctors and researchers have been putting their efforts into figuring out exactly what cannabis is and how it is linked to our health. CBD is a particular focus, mainly because it is capable of providing the same health benefits as THC, just without the psychoactive effect.

While there are hundreds of cannabinoids that can be extracted from the cannabis plant, there are only two which are well known – CBD and THC. Of course, many of us already know what THC is – the part of the cannabis plant that is responsible for getting us high. In fact, this is the only reason that cannabis has been illegal for almost a century now.

CBD, however, as we mentioned, contains similar properties to THC – except it cannot get you high. In fact, the World Health Organization considers CBD to be well-tolerated and safe and doesn’t consider it a threat to public health at all.

There are many many studies out there that point to the health benefits of CBD. Some of the health conditions that CBD is considered to benefit include:

As a result of this breakthrough research, CBD has been legalized in many different American states, especially because CBD is considered to have little to no side effects, compared to prescription medication that often comes with adverse side effects.

CBD and North Carolina

As you can see, there have been many studies done on CBD and how it interacts with the body. While there are some states out there that are still skeptical, the evidence points to it being a safe, natural alternative.

Through all the research that has been done, we’ve been able to discover that CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system. This system within our bodies is responsible for our homeostasis, which in layman’s terms means it’s responsible for regulating a lot of our normal functions. These include body temperature, mood, appetite, and even our immune system.

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When we take CBD, it interacts with our endocannabinoid receptors to encourage it to produce more naturally-occurring cannabinoids. Because these naturally-occurring cannabinoids play such a vital role in our overall health, CBD encourages our body to perform at an optimal level.

What You Need to Know About CBD and North Carolina


While the legal language surrounding CBD is still pretty foggy, there are different forms of it, and this depends on whether it comes from cannabis or industrial hemp. While taking CBD from hemp is actually legal in all fifty states, there are rules in each state that determine how a patient is supposed to get their hands on CBD.

In many of these states, CBD is very easy to get hold of and even endorsed by healthcare professionals. On the flip side of this, though, it’s disappointing that there are other states like North Carolina that keep such strict legislation around it.

So, in order to legally qualify for CBD in North Carolina, your child has to have been diagnosed with epilepsy and proved that other forms of treatment haven’t worked. Their caregiver will also have to fill out a form and request it as a separate treatment, too.

The History of CBD in North Carolina

As we talked about earlier, it wasn’t until 2014 that North Carolina decided to do something about the legislation surrounding CBD. Even then, it was only legalized for a very small percentage of the population.

As you know, the law was only passed to allow children with diagnosed epilepsy to have access to it. What’s more, this CBD had to contain less than 0.3% THC, and have CBD levels of at least 10%.

Since 2015, these numbers have changed to 0.9% and 5%. Additionally, other amendments to this legislation now mean that more children have access to CBD for health conditions.

Current CBD Legislation in North Carolina

Looking at the legislation now, very little has changed since 2014. In fact, possessing even a minute amount of cannabis can lead to you being criminalized. With such strict laws in place, how on earth do you go about obtaining CBD oil in North Carolina?

Obtaining CBD Oil in North Carolina

Just to be clear, we are not saying that it is legal to purchase and possess CBD in North Carolina without a valid medical certificate. However, North Carolina’s laws surrounding CBD do not match up with federal laws, which state that industrial hemp is legal to grow, possess and take in every American state, as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.

With this in mind, there are many online CBD oil retailers with excellent reputations that claim to be able to ship to all fifty U.S. states, often for free. It’s important to remember here, though, that we are not saying it is legal for you to buy from these online retailers if you’re a resident of North Carolina. All we can tell you is that these companies ship their products to states all around the country, including North Carolina, and there are many residents of North Carolina that benefit from their products.

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If you are thinking about buying CBD oil online and getting it shipped to your home in North Carolina, remember that you are doing this at your own discretion, and we cannot be held responsible for any penalties that arise as a result.

Additionally, if you’re going to start seriously looking into buying CBD online, you need to remember that while there are some excellent companies out there, there are also some very average ones as well. It’s important to do your research and make sure that the company you buy from has a long-standing, consistent reputation with their past and existing clients.

Companies that Deliver CBD Oil to North Carolina

Luckily, there are a bunch of reputable companies that can deliver CBD oil to you in North Carolina.

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs

Final Thoughts

It seems that North Carolina still has a long way to go when it comes to loosening its legislation around CBD. While as a resident of North Carolina you may find it challenging to purchase CBD, you do have options which we have outlined above.

We are feeling optimistic about the future when it comes to CBD and North Carolina. It won’t be too long before they see the light and realize just how beneficial CBD can be for a long list of health conditions.

References and Further Reading

1. Antidepressant-like and anxiolytic-like effects of cannabidiol: a chemical compound of Cannabis sativa.
2. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
3. Attenuation of early phase inflammation by cannabidiol prevents pain and nerve damage in rat osteoarthritis
4. Cannabis-based medicines for chronic neuropathic pain in adults.

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