Gevitta Review

Gevitta Review

CBD oil – you’ve either tried it, or you’ve heard of it. In this day and age where everyone is looking for a natural alternative, it’s somewhat of a miracle.

This is because of the growing pile of studies and research that link CBD oil to all kinds of health issues, including depression, chronic pain, and even arthritis.

It’s also being seen as an excellent alternative to often harmful prescription medication, especially because you can’t develop a dependency.

Naturally, then, there are many companies out there who are trying to make a tidy profit and spread the word. While there are some great companies out there, there are also some average ones, too.

Let’s give one a review and see which group they belong to.

Gevitta Review

Purity 6.0
Strength 5.0
Service 5.0
Price 7.5
Consumer Reviews 4.5


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What is Gevitta?

We’ve talked before about how a lot of CBD oil companies these days try to find a niche that they can explore – it gives them a much better chance of becoming successful with it. It’s a crowded market now, so anything to make you stand out is going to help. This is what Gevitta have done.

Their mineral spray CBD oil supplements are undoubtedly unique, which is enough to get a lot of people’s attention. They aren’t even that expensive, either – their mineral supplement that’s been infused with CBD oil will set you back $40.

They are also committed to making their products out of high-quality ingredients, which often include vitamins because this is something that they specialize in.

Another thing that we quite like about Gevitta is that they are open about CBD and how it relates to epilepsy, as well as neurological issues too.

In saying this, though, you do have to be careful when making medical claims, and they could get into big trouble if they step on anyone’s toes. However, it is nice to see a company that can see how beneficial CBD oil is meant to be for a number of different health issues.

What we’re a little wary of are the claims that Gevitta makes about their own product. They say that their mineral spray supplement is by far the best way to take your CBD, which as far as we can see hasn’t been backed up by any hard evidence.

Additionally, there is nowhere that we can see any evidence that suggests they lab test their products. This is a bigger issue than their bold claims. It’s essential that they’re able to verify their products both for purity and potency, so if they’re not able to do so, they don’t have much of a product.

Gevitta Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs
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Final Thoughts

There’s one more thing that makes us feel a little skeptical towards Gevitta. They also aren’t being very upfront and honest about where they source their hemp from. These basic features are essential in an industry like this where your customers rely on your honesty and evidence to sell great products.

Because the competition is so high, without these kinds of things, any potential customers will just walk right on by and go to someone who can verify their product. We’re disappointed in this aspect as we believe there could be something here.

What’s more, Gevitta needs to be careful about what they say when it comes to medical claims. Perhaps they should put a bit more time and effort into providing source and lab testing information instead of spending all their time on this.

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