How Do Vibration Plates Help Lose Belly Fat?

vibration plate

There are many different fads that people get interested in or enticed into to help them shift stubborn body fat in awkward places.

Most of these get fit quick stunts do not actually help keep your belly fat off, rather it reduces your fat for a short amount of time. It is more likely that this fat, or any progress you have made, will be a lot if you do not keep an extensive diet and fitness regime.

This is where looking for alternative options might be the best way. These may include body contouring that helps shape the body by addressing specific areas where losing weight isn’t effective. Finding the right body sculpting NYC clinic or one in your local area is the best way to ensure this option works. This way, you’ll be dealing with professionals who understand the effective ways of losing belly fat.

What is a vibration plate?

A vibration platform machine used for exercise can send high-speed vibrations through all of your body muscles. These vibrations force the muscles to shrink and relax. You can choose to sit, lie, or stand on the device. Moreover, with the right medical supervision, using a vibration plate might help reduce back pain and bone loss and improve strength.

They have become extensively favored by many avid gym-goers, but their access has been extended to everyday people. They are now easily purchased for in-home use and have had great reviews and results.

How do they work?

Vibration plates must be utilized alongside a healthy diet and other forms of exercise. They should be used alongside a healthy lifestyle to ensure that the best results are seen and kept. They are especially used to help reduce belly fat or stubborn fat that is hard to shift.

They send pulses through these areas to directly reduce them and eradicate them. They are especially good for overweight or obese users that want to see a difference in their fat percentage quickly.

As the high-frequency pulses go through your body, it speeds up your metabolism, boosting the fat-burning rate of the abdominal area. Vibration plates also help to improve blood circulation in this part of the body, allowing it to function properly. 

They also work to ensure that the weight stays off, in many studies those that use a vibration plate alongside a program managed to keep it off over those that did not.

There was a 1 in 5 chance that you could double your weight loss and fat retention by using a vibration plate.

How do vibration plates target belly fat?

Using the vibration plate alone will not definitely reduce your belly fat, however, there are various exercises that you can do to do so.

These exercises are supposed to be incorporated into your everyday routines and conducted each day or exercise you complete.

When you purchase a vibration plate, you should receive an extensive list of workouts and ways to focus your exercises on certain parts of your body. However, if it does not, there are so many online guides to getting the best out of your vibration plate and the ways to target certain areas. It’s advised to use the machine for at least fifteen minutes a day, three times a week, for the best results.

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Now there are even online tutorials and personal trainers that use and teach with vibration plates. Their main aim is to help you understand how to use them correctly and to target belly fat. It is usually done by incorporating poses such as a plank or crunches on the vibration plate, moving on to more intermediary stances such as Pilates whilst using the item. Adding fitness activities of your choice to speed up the weight loss process. 

Visceral fat, or belly fat, sits around your major organs and can cause a lot of problems with your major organs. Vibration plates have been proven to help reduce and keep this fat off with ease. This fat is usually very stubborn to move, so if you do have a specific issue with these areas, it would be a very good idea to invest in a vibration plate and undertake these specific exercises. So, when looking to target belly fat, consider laying on your stomach and setting the machine to the right frequency. 

Or you can join a gym that has them available to members; this way, you can try them out before you bite the bullet and purchase one. Either way, they should not be slept on and should be utilized in your weight loss journey.


In short, yes, vibration plates do help users to reduce their visceral fat that is usually situated in problematic areas. They have had a documented successful impact, especially on the more overweight or obese users, but everyone saw a positive impact whilst using them.

Nevertheless, it is wrong to suggest that a vibration plate alone can reduce your belly fat.

As with most things, you must lead a very healthy and focused lifestyle, dedicated to bettering yourself and your health.

With a little bit of focus and determination, your lifestyle can be switched around to one that is much more beneficial. If a vibration plate is something that will motivate you to make this leap, please do not wait to purchase one.

Please ensure that you use the vibration plate correctly and that you have read or watched workout safety videos prior to using one.

They will come with an extensive information guide and possibly an exercise book, if not please seek this information yourself. If you use the product without taking the time out to understand how it works you may not get the results you really want.

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