How To Protect Your Back Health At The Office

A person who works at a desk is more likely to experience back pain. There is even a possibility that you are at a higher risk than those with physical jobs. Poor ergonomics and improper sitting techniques cause back pain in many office workers in America.

People often miss work because of back pain. In addition, when pain persists, you should see your back specialist. Being proactive about your back health at the office is the best way to stay out of harm’s way.

You can avoid many office-related back injuries by practicing back pain stretches and setting yourself up in a proper workspace. Let’s take a closer look at a few ways to protect your back health at the office. 

Ergonomic Workspace

It is essential to ensure that your office is ergonomically designed. A science known as ergonomics studies how to make products more user-friendly.

In the workplace, ergonomics includes the placement of your phone, keyboard, and monitor, as well as the position of your desk and chair. If something looks or feels awkward, take action to improve it.

It is important to invest in a good office chair if you want to protect your back. It’s essential that your chair feels comfortable throughout the day, considering how much time you spend sitting in it.

You should adjust your office chair so that your thighs are at a ninety-degree angle to the floor and your feet lay flat while you are working. 

It is a good idea to use your armrests if they are available. In a relaxed position, you should rest your arms on them and keep your shoulders relaxed. Lumbar support is usually included in office chairs. Your spine is put under excessive pressure if you have inadequate lumbar support.

Weekly Core Workouts

It is essential to exercise your core at least twice a week, if not three times a week. Among the muscles in your core are those in your abdomen, your back, and your pelvis.

Sit-ups, planks, bridges, and crunches are the most effective exercises for strengthening your core. The right technique for these types of exercises can be determined by consulting with your therapist or doctor if you are unsure. 

Standing Desk

It may be a good idea to consider buying a standing desk for your office as an alternative to a desk. Standing desks have been used for many years, but thanks to the back benefits, they are becoming more mainstream.

If you are contemplating buying a standing desk, talk to your coworkers that use them to find out if they are worth the investment. Some standing desks can be converted into sitting desks.

This means that they sit on a regular desk and can be unfolded to the upright position quickly and easily.

Standing desks help improve your circulation, posture, and activity level throughout the day. Some workers choose to add a walking pad or flat treadmill under their desks so they can get exercise while they are working. 

Take Breaks

It is very important for you to take periodic breaks from your work to keep your back in good condition. Use your break time to move your body around and loosen up any tight or tense muscles.

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An easy exercise involves simply reaching up to the sky and then bending down to touch the toe of your shoes. Just a few of these exercises will help to restore movement and circulation.

Just a few minutes of stretching every hour will help you protect your back and prevent it from becoming injured. You don’t have to do exercises each time you take a break.

Spend a few minutes walking through the office and connecting with your coworkers, or take the opportunity to get yourself a cup of coffee and a healthy snack. 

Focus On Your Posture

One of the most common ways office workers injure their backs is poor posture. It is very easy to become slouched or bent when you sit for a long period of time.

If your workspace is set up correctly, with your desktop and monitor at the proper levels, your posture will be maintained. You should be seated with your back upright against your chair, and your shoulders relaxed.

As a result of this position, the lower back will be supported, and the risk of injury will be reduced. Make a point of recognizing your posture throughout the day and straighten up your position if you have begun to slide into a slouch. 

Most workers don’t expect to become injured on the job when they work in an office. Many office workers complain about common back issues. Follow these tips to help you protect your back health at the office. 

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