Miracle Smoke Review

Miracle Smoke Review

You may have noticed a lot of buzz around CBD oil lately. It’s all anyone’s talking about – especially with the recent legalization of cannabis in places like California.

While this is all good news for the natural health industry, it certainly doesn’t come without its issues. One of these is that there are now hundreds of companies sprouting up with the goal of cashing in on the CBD oil rush.

Many people will make a lot of money out of this, but this doesn’t mean that their products are quality.

Let’s take a look at one of these companies and determine whether they’re worth your time or not.

Miracle Smoke Review

Purity 0.0
Strength 2.5
Service 5.5
Price 1.5
Consumer Reviews 5.0


  • A range of products
  • Personalised products


  • Lack of evidence for claims
  • No information given
  • Safety concerns

Miracle Smoke: The Details

If you like to eat your CBD oil and have it taste good, then Miracle Smoke has got the solution. This is a company that has found a niche out of flavoring their CBD oils so that you don’t get bored, especially if you’re taking it day after day.

Miracle Smoke has a number of different products on offer, from CBD oil in liquid form to concentrates that contain it. We consider their pricing to be on the higher end, starting at $69 and going all the way up to an eye-watering $1008.00.

It’s difficult for us to give in-depth reviews about companies like this when they don’t offer too much information online about who they are and the process behind their products.

At least they acknowledge this to an extent, however. They admit on their website that they don’t have a lot of information on offer because CBD oil is still such a new addition to the industry – and this is fair enough.

However, if they’ve taken the time to get products made that have CBD oil in them, they can certainly take a little bit more time to describe the process they went through, and where they sourced their hemp or marijuana from.

This leads us to our next point, which is the complete lack of information also includes nothing about lab testing or product verification. Again, due to the legalization of cannabis in many states, there are now strict regulations around selling CBD oil and being transparent with your customer. Clearly, Miracle Smoke has missed the boat on this one, or hasn’t done any lab testing and didn’t want this to get out.

Miracle Smoke has an interesting approach to their business, however. They call it a private labeling service, which means that you get your products personalized when you purchase them. You get your name on the label, which is a nice custom touch. However, it’s nothing if you don’t have vital information on record.

Related Post  CDB Oil for Migraines

Miracle Smoke Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs

Final Thoughts

Because Miracle Smoke hasn’t bothered to include any information regarding lab testing or product verification, it’s impossible for us to determine whether their products are safe for human consumption or not.

We can’t find anything on the quality of their products or where they have sourced their product resources from. This means that we have no choice but to conclude that Miracle Smoke is only focused on the marketing side of things, and not prepared to complete their due diligence when it comes down to the products themselves.

For these reasons, we can’t recommend them as your go-to CBD oil company, and we have to advise that you seek out your products elsewhere.

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