Naked CBD Review

Naked CBD Review

You may have noticed that there’s been a lot of press on CBD lately. The focus used to be on THC, but now it’s all about CBD – and for a good reason.

CBD comes with all the benefits of THC, without the psychoactive properties. This means that patients who want relief from chronic pain and other ongoing health conditions can reap the benefits without the high.

There is plenty of evidence online to attest to CBD being an effective natural remedy, and there are also plenty of companies online who are trying to make the most of this.

While most of these companies are well known with good reputations, there are some out there that you just can’t trust.

Let’s take a look at one company in particular and decide whether their products are worth checking out or not.

Naked CBD Review

Purity 7.0
Strength 6.0
Service 5.0
Price 5.5
Consumer Reviews 6.5

A Review of Naked CBD

As the name suggests, this is the type of CBD company that focuses on making sure everything is as natural as it can be. While their initial startup was small, they’ve since expanded to become quite a large CBD brand that cover many different products, from topicals and tinctures to vape products.

Naked CBD has a penchant for helping with the current opioid crisis in America, having seen many of their own friends and loved ones be affected by this terrible addiction. This has been their main motivation to start Naked CBD so that they can offer a natural alternative that can help with pain, as well as your general health and wellbeing.

As we mentioned before, there is no shortage of products available through Naked CBD. They’ve got everything from gummies to topicals, coffee and even tinctures for pets. They even make CBD friendly treats for horses as well.

While we do appreciate a good inventory when we see one, we also are quite wary of them. There is such a thing as putting quantity over quality, which you never want to do in an industry like this. Trying to spread yourself too thin and make this many products can often result in a lack of drive and passion for the quality side of things.

Naked CBD’s lab results seem to check out, and they don’t seem to include any typical artificial ingredients that you could find in products like these. They also have quite a large price range to choose from, starting at just $6 and going all the way up to $360.

It appears that Naked CBD is trying to take on the entire CBD industry all at once and become the go-to company for CBD oil and other products – however, you’ve got to be wary of companies that try to do too much.

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Naked CBD Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs

Scam or Legit; Final Thoughts

Naked CBD does appear to be the type of company that has a good head on its shoulders and has proven itself capable of producing a lot of CBD product.

However, as we mentioned above, the amount that you’re capable of making isn’t everything – it’s a lot more about the quality that is contained within the product.

While we do appreciate what Naked CBD are doing and love that they are attempting to fight the opioid epidemic, we’re less than impressed with their extensive product range.

We suggest opting for something a bit smaller – the more a company focuses on quality over quantity, the better their products are going to be.

Even though it’s great to have successful CBD companies in the industry, there is such a thing as a monopoly, and we want the smaller, more sustainable companies to have a chance at the title, too.

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