Pure Ratios Review

Pure Ratios Review

You may have seen an increase in CBD related discussions on the internet. In fact, this natural remedy is currently taking the health industry by storm.

It is shedding light on just how integral plants can be at helping with a huge number of health issues that we as humans can get. More and more research is being done all the time that implies CBD is an excellent natural health remedy.

As you can imagine, there are now hundreds of companies that believe this and are wanting to make it big as a result. While this is great for you and means you have a lot of CBD oil to choose from, it also means you’ve got to weed out the average ones.

Let’s give one a review and decide whether you should trust them or not.

Pure Ratios Review

Purity 1.0
Strength 2.5
Service 4.0
Price 4.5
Consumer Reviews 3.0

Pure Ratios: The Details

There are sometimes CBD oil companies you come across that are so impressive that it’s easy to overlook the little things they’ve omitted. With the awards that Pure Ratios have received for their CBD oil, it’s no wonder that it doesn’t matter to the customer if they haven’t talked about their source.

However, the source of their hemp is just as important as figuring out how many awards they have received. Pure Ratios has won these awards as a result of one product in particular – their CBD patch. This is undoubtedly a niche of the industry that they’ve taken with both hands, and it’s paid off handsomely so far for them.

Using a CBD patch is one way to get your daily CBD intake, and some would say that it’s a much better way to get it than to take it in drop form because it’s got a better chance of absorbing.

In fact, this is such a popular way to take CBD that Pure Ratios are poised to be at the forefront of this movement in the states as more and more people opt for this method. There are two main reasons why someone may choose this as their preferred method – they don’t like injections, or aren’t comfortable digesting it through their stomach.

As a result, there could be many patients out there who have been converted to CBD as a result of this non-invasive approach. What we’re even more impresses with than this product, however, is that they’ve got a lab test report for each batch they’ve tested. This is not easy to come by in an industry that isn’t big on regulations, so we’re pleased to see this.

Pure Ratios Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs
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Final Thoughts

Like we said, we think that Pure Ratios are doing good things in the CBD oil industry – except when it comes to their source information. In fact, there’s so little to know about where they source their hemp from that it’s difficult for us to condone its use.

When it comes to context, sourcing is important because it lets the customer know how the hemp was grown, and if it’s non-GMO and free from pesticides.

Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing this kind of information, which means that we also can’t recommend them as a company.

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