Pyoor CBD Review

Pyoor CBD Review

The CBD oil boom has led many entrepreneurs to try their hand at creating a business around it as a health product. CBD oil can come in many different forms, from vape oil and tinctures to gummies, topical creams, and even pet treats.

This has led to a considerable number of businesses popping up with the hopes of making a bit of money out of what is the newest health craze.

This means that you’re spoilt for choice when it comes to your CBD oil products – but it doesn’t mean that they’re all going to be high quality.

Let’s take a look at one of these companies and decide whether they’re worth affiliating with or not.

Pyoor CBD

Purity 1.0
Strength 3.0
Service 5.0
Price 6.0
Consumer Reviews 4.0


  • Affordable
  • Range of products available


  • No lab tests
  • Lack of information
  • There's better products on the market

Pyoor CBD: The Details

If you’re a fan of combining both health and fitness, then Pyoor CBD is the type of company you may be interested in. CBD oil has a number of different ways it can help people, from chronic health issues to a daily dose of nutrition to add to your supplement routine.

It can be easy to be pulled in by Pyoor CBD. Their hip, cutting edge look makes you think of the latest supplement fad for the everyday gym junkie. Their focus on health and fitness is appealing for many, and so are their products, which include sleep aids, gold oils and even mixes that you can put in your protein shake.

Pyoor CBD has a range of different prices on their products that go as low as $40 and as high as $99, so they definitely fall into the affordable category.

Pyoor CBD seems to be focused on targeting that young, health-conscious demographic as much as possible, because they’ve made all of their products pesticide, herbicide and nut free, so it’s a great option if you have allergies.

While claiming that they’re kosher and vegetarian, they also say that they don’t have any traces of THC in their products, either. However, this promise can actually end up being a bit misleading.

This is because if they do sell hemp rich products as they claim to, there is going to be at least a trace amount of THC in them – there’s no way to get around this.

With this being said, though, having a trace amount of THC in your CBD product shouldn’t matter, because it’s certainly not going to be enough to alter your state in any way.

Pyoor CBD Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs
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Final Thoughts

Like many companies out there that are a tad on the lazy side, Pyoor CBD claims to lab test all their products but fails to show the lab reports on their website.

Because they do not display this information or link anything about their products to the batch numbers, there’s no way for us to determine either way whether they’re safe to use.

If you go on the Pyoor website, you’ll find that they’ve only got a few pages of information available – and even this information is lacking in a big way.

Because they offer next to nothing when it comes to information and transparency, there’s no way we can comfortably recommend them to be your go-to CBD oil company.

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Thank you for your interest in Geek Health Journal. My name is Anne. Feel free to comment on any article and I will help if I can.

One Reply to “Pyoor CBD Review”

  1. I wouldn’t recommend this brand of cbd oil. I don’t know about lab testing. Maybe there is a problem with that. But I’m talking from my perspective as a consumer. Their cbd products aren’t effective and the affordable price really doesn’t mean anything if it simply doesn’t do the job.

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