Thai Massage vs. Yoga

Thai massage and yoga have always been closely related. Thai massage’s origins can be traced back to India’s yoga system, which is why you’ll find yogic principles intertwined with the practice. 

One of these principles is the concept of energy flows in the body called “sen lines”. Professional Thai massage practitioners can influence this invisible energy’s flow through bodywork, promoting healing and relaxation. 

In this article, we will look more closely into the similarities and differences between Thai massage and yoga.

Similarities Between Thai Massage and Yoga

The main goal of practicing yoga is to activate the invisible energy flows in your body to open your mind for higher levels of consciousness. Meanwhile, Thai massage is more than just stretching your joints and muscles– it is also about ensuring that this invisible energy can flow smoothly throughout your body to maintain optimum health.

Initially, Indian yoga was only practiced by saints and yogis, while Thai massage was traditionally taught and practiced in temples because of its close association with Buddhist principles. It is only fairly recently that both yoga and Thai massage have become more mainstream and practiced by the public over the last two decades.

As the traditional spiritual principles integrated into both Thai massage and yoga have been watered down, they became increasingly popular and new approaches have been developed. Nowadays, people practice yoga as an enlightening and reinvigorating physical exercise, while Thai massage is being conducted as a common massage technique that delivers a lot of health benefits.

Aside from their principles and origins, another apparent similarity between Thai massage and yoga is the actual positions, poses, and stretches.

How Thai Massage and Yoga Are Different

The primary difference between Thai massage and yoga is how they are practiced. There are two people involved in Thai massage– the Thai massage practitioner and you. The Thai massage therapist actively does the bodywork, while you are the receiver. The practitioner also guides you in performing the different stretches and positions to allow energy to flow freely throughout your body.

On the other hand, in yoga, only you actively perform all the poses and stretching exercises. In other words, there is no passive element in yoga, and it is crucial to have some skill and knowledge on how to do the poses. Meanwhile, you can enjoy the benefits of Thai massage without having a background, as the Thai massage practitioner will be assisting you throughout the session.

So even if you don’t have any interest or training in yoga, getting a Thai massage allows you to experience the benefits of yoga.

When to Get a Thai Massage

Now that you know the similarities and differences between Thai massage and yoga, how do you decide when Thai massage is suitable for you?

  • Thai massage is perfect for you if you suffer from a health condition that causes pain, discomfort, or other adverse symptoms that limit your mobility. If it is difficult for you to move and perform the poses and stretches on your own, Thai massage can be a good option as the practitioner can support you.
  • Do you lack the knowledge and have no interest or time to learn yoga? You can still enjoy its benefits without making the extra effort by tapping into the expertise of a reliable Thai massage practitioner. Yoga requires commitment, time, and enthusiasm for you to be able to practice it properly. However, with Thai massage, you can instantly enjoy the results by getting one on a regular basis.
  • Thai massage is ideal if you want to get instant relief from acute conditions. On the other hand, yoga is not a quick-fix solution and has to be long-term and ongoing to promote healing.
  • Do you prefer to be assisted in performing poses and stretches rather than doing them independently? Thai massage is also called lazy man’s yoga for a reason. 
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Get in Tiptop Shape

Given the similarities and common origins of Thai massage and yoga, you can already tell that they are interconnected systems. In fact, if you want to optimize your health and get the best results, you can perform both as they complement each other.

You can enjoy the best of both worlds by regularly getting a pleasant Thai massage session from a reputable Thai massage practitioner, while also practicing yoga at home. If you are looking for the best Thai massage practitioner in New York, consider Thai Massage NYC

Our extensive experience allows us to offer a wide range of Thai massage techniques such as Four Hands, Couples Thai massage, and Traditional Thai massage. We can even provide a relaxing Thai massage at the comfort of your own home – simply book a house call with us.

Want to learn more about our different approaches and how they can help? Contact us today and let our seasoned Thai massage expert help you explore your options!

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