Vina Bell Review

Vina Bell Review

The CBD oil craze has taken the health industry by storm. With more research being done every day, we’re slowly starting to get a grip on just how beneficial CBD oil can be for our health.

From depression and anxiety to pain and insomnia, there is a seemingly endless list of health conditions that CBD oil can help with. It’s no surprise, then, that many people are trying to cash in on this sector by starting up a business of their own.

However, unless they’re following industry regulations, they’re going to get shut down pretty quickly.

Let’s give one of these companies a review.

Vina Bell Review

Purity 0.5
Strength 2.5
Service 5.0
Price 9.0
Consumer Reviews 4.0


  • Range of products
  • Reasonable prices


  • No lab tests
  • There's better products on the market
  • Lack of information
  • Lack of safety evidence
  • Lack of transparency

Vina Bell: The Details

If you’re more in touch with your hippie side and love the fact that pure CBD oil is now available as a natural health alternative, then you’ll love Vina Bell. They’ve joined the ranks of this multi-million dollar industry, eager for their customers to fall in love with their topical pain spritzers and CBD oil bath soaks.

However, when you’ve got natural hippie products like this, it’s vital that you can back them up with real, substantial evidence. Unfortunately, Vina Bell seems to be lacking in this area.

Vina Bell is one of the more eccentric companies of the CBD oil industry. They claim to be an environmentally conscious company who is named after a quirky professional dancer. Vina Bell was a tiny dancer who left a massive legacy that’s clearly still making quite an impression.

Vina believed in nature’s ability to heal, which is what Vina Bell stands for when it comes to their CBD oil products. Two naturally health conscious mothers have created this brand, in a bid to bring natural products to the mainstream market.

All of their online products have a whiff of botanical around them, and range in price from $20 up to $250. You can get anything from CBD tinctures, bath soaks, vape pens and spritzers to CBD capsules and even plant-based pet medicine.

It’s understandable that these two mothers are hoping to become well-known and share their natural knowledge with the world while making a profit at the same time. However, it’s going to be difficult to do so if you can’t back up your claims.

Despite their personable branding, you won’t find any lab test reports or certificate of analysis, as well as any background information regarding any of their products. This means that you can only use products from Vina Bell with a certain level of confidence.

Vina Bell Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs
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Final Thoughts

Another thing that we don’t like too much is that they’re incredibly vague about the source of their hemp. In fact, you’d have to be confident knowing nothing about where they source their hemp from if you want to use their products.

While Vina Bell may have the best of intentions unless they brush up on their lack of product information they’re going to have trouble selling many of their products.

Whether the customer starts to wizen up or industry regulations begin to crack down on them, they’re going to realize soon how vital this type of verification is, one way or another.

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Thank you for your interest in Geek Health Journal. My name is Anne. Feel free to comment on any article and I will help if I can.

One Reply to “Vina Bell Review”

  1. I ordered only once from Vina Bell website and it was a total disaster. They sent my order to the wrong address and I ended up paying extra for it to be shipped to me. And when I finally got the package it was missing some of the things I’ve ordered. I really don’t care about their “message” if they can’t do their job properly.

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