Populum Review

Populum Review

Whether you’ve tried CBD or not, you’ve most likely heard of it. It’s the new health craze that’s sweeping both America and the world, and it looks like it’s here to stay.

While there are many different health fads that come and go, CBD is quickly proving itself to be much more than something like this. Just do a quick Google search, and you’ll realize just how much research there is out there that points to CBD being a legitimate, natural alternative to prescription medication.

Of course, there are now hundreds of companies vying for your attention and hoping to sell you their version of CBD. As you can imagine, however, not all of them are worth giving your attention to.

Let’s give one a review and decide whether you should check them out or not.

Populum Review

Purity 0.0
Strength 2.0
Service 4.0
Price 5.0
Consumer Reviews 4.0

Populum: The Details

Populum is, surprisingly, a pretty generic CBD oil company. Most CBD oil companies in the industry try to find a niche that they can explore, which can help to make them unique and appealing to a broader customer base. Populum seems to find it more important to just generally spread the good news about CBD, and aren’t too worried about how they do that and what products they sell.

Populum claim to source their hemp from farms in Colorado and use an ethanol extraction method to get the CBD from the cannabis. While this is an okay form of extraction, it’s certainly not the best – the best is CO2, which is fast and efficient. What’s interesting about this brand is that they offer a free thirty day trial with their products.

Populums main ethos is that alternative natural remedies should be available to anyone who needs them, especially in the face of the pharmaceutical giants. We must say that we agree with this.

It’s evident that they haven’t put too much thought into their product line – currently, they only feature and sell three different types of products. Their three products are tinctures, CBD oil for pets and CBD topical. What we’re actually quite surprised to see is that some of their products contain chemicals, despite their attempt to be an ‘all-natural’ brand.

We can’t say that we’re too impressed when a company like Populum claims only to use completely natural ingredients and then isn’t upfront and honest about the additional chemicals that they include. Additionally, we’ve got another bone to chew with Populum – their lab testing.

There are two issues within this that we have – one is that we can’t find any lab test results for their CBD oil topical, and two, they claim that their lab tests are done through a third-party, but the letterhead says Populum.

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Populum Alternatives

Verma Farms
Royal CBD
Absolute Nature
NuLeaf Naturals
Hemp Bombs

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, this is a company who has a great business ethos and cares about their customers when it comes to spreading the good news about CBD.

However, this isn’t quite enough if they want us to recommend them – because there are a couple of areas where they have fallen short. Firstly, they haven’t disclosed the added chemicals found in their products, and secondly, they also aren’t being completely honest about the type of lab testing, if any, that’s done on each batch.

What this ultimately means is that while Populum may look like a trustworthy brand from the outside, if you do a bit of research you’ll soon find that they are lacking in some pretty crucial areas.

For the two main reasons which we have highlighted, we simply cannot condone the use of their CBD oil products.

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Thank you for your interest in Geek Health Journal. My name is Anne. Feel free to comment on any article and I will help if I can.

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